Export Quality Electrical Panels
HT High Tension VCB Control Panels
HT panels, referred to as High Tension Panels, serve the purpose of supplying power to a variety of electronic devices and distribution boards. These panels are designed for use in both indoor and outdoor settings, primarily found in substations. The term High Tension implies that these panels must possess the ability to withstand diverse and challenging climates while maintaining stability.
HT Panels are specifically engineered for power distribution centers to regulate high currents and voltages, ensuring enhanced safety in power lines. Constructed according to electrical engineering standards, these panels are highly efficient and durable. They can also be utilized in large-scale industries to control electrically powered machinery. The HT Panels come equipped with a strong metallic casing that serves as a protective shield, safeguarding the electrical components from any potential damage. The HT Panels are crafted with top-quality industrial materials and high-performance electrical components. Our High Tension Panels showcase exceptional durability, a sturdy panel structure, and effective anti-corrosion properties.
Features of HT Control Panel
- Ensure the safe reception and distribution of HT supply through the utilization of an HT panel.
- Enhance the level of safeguarding against malfunctions with an HT panel.
- Activate or deactivate the high tension supply using the HT panel.
- The HT panel receives an electrical supply and then distributes power through one or more outgoing feeders.
- The ht panel is equipped with meters to gauge electrical voltage.
- Using load break switches in the ht panel to ensure no loss occurs.